Prayed at First Presbyterian Church; Oxford, MS, December 2018.

God who knows the fullness of what it means to be human,

We come to you with hearts that are broken, grieving the people recently gone from our lives, feeling the weight of long-standing loneliness, or reeling from hurt at the hands of another. Breathe into us the quiet boldness of putting one foot in front of the other, even when comfort does not come quickly.

We come to you in bodies that are broken, suffering through long-term treatments, navigating the shock of unexpected injury, or worrying about things to come. Grant us courage for whatever lies ahead, and perseverance to those who care for us. 

We come to you as part of communities that are broken. Guide us, God of mercy, to join in your work of reconciliation in your Church, our town, this state and the world.

You have sewn the gifts of your Spirit into the fabric of our being. And still, sometimes we don’t feel quite whole. You tell us that we are yours but sometimes that’s awfully hard to remember. We are all too aware of the brokenness in ourselves and our world. Lord, in your mercy, may we feel you here with us anyway. Amen.