
Girl & Glue Stick



Advent Confession

A communal prayer of confession prayed at Campamento El Guacio with Young Adult Volunteer alums; San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, December 2018.

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A Prayer for Wholeness & Healing

Prayed at First Presbyterian Church; Oxford, MS, December 2018.

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Making Peace

A sermon on Ephesians 2:11-22 preached at Batesville Presbyterian Church; Batesville, MS, July 2018.


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A Pentecost Prayer

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession prayed on Pentecost Sunday at First Presbyterian Church; Oxford, MS, June 2017.

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To All Who Enter

For a family member’s front door; Cornelius, NC, December 2016.


{Canvas, acrylic, and ink.}

2016 was a bit of a doozy. It seems to me like we’d do well to offer each other peace as we venture into a new year.

A Prayer for Election Season

I’m not entirely sure what will happen on November 8. I do know that people are tired. I’m tired. And regardless of who ends up with the most votes, when we wake up on November 9 there will be people who are angry. There will be people who are heartbroken. There will be people who are scared. There will be people who are relieved or excited and there will be people saying “I told you so.” There will be people wondering “what now?”

This isn’t about changing anyone’s mind or vote between now and then. What it’s about is the fact that after Election Day, no matter what boxes we checked or what bubbles we filled, we’ll all still be here as part of the same cities, the same schools, the same worshiping communities. Borrowing a page from writer Anne Lamott‘s repertoire, I’m tempted to stick to one of the most basic prayers there is:


But for those of you who, like me, tend to be a little wordier at times, here are some thoughts I’m offering to God in this messy season. Part question and part confession, with some hope (I hope) thrown in for good measure.

Continue reading “A Prayer for Election Season”

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