
Girl & Glue Stick



An Artist’s Prayer for Illumination

Prayed during a workshop on mixed media spiritual expression; Batesville, MS, May 2018.

Creating God,

Just as you speak to us through many voices in Scripture, you speak to us through countless artists of the past, present, and future. May we meet you in paint brushes, pianos, and pieced-together quilts.

When things get messy, help us remember that so are ceramics. And still you’re a potter, gently shaping the soft lines of our bodies and our hearts even when things feel ready to crumble.

Give us courage to shake off the dust of our own expectations, that we might see and hear you in new ways, and through the work of your Spirit help others to do the same. Amen.

Advent Confession

A communal prayer of confession prayed at Campamento El Guacio with Young Adult Volunteer alums; San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, December 2018.

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A Prayer for Wholeness & Healing

Prayed at First Presbyterian Church; Oxford, MS, December 2018.

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Prayers of the People: Waiting

Intercessory prayer for the beginning of Advent, prayed at First Presbyterian Church; Oxford, MS, December 2018.

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Litany for Campus Ministry

Written for the Presbytery of St. Andrew’s first annual UKirk* Sunday; Oxford, MS, April 2018. 

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A Prayer for Mother’s Day

nordwood-themes-162462-unsplashI’m part of a few different online groups made up of assorted church-leader-types, and every year around this time, the topic of Mother’s Day comes up. What do we do, we who use our voices in pulpits and lecterns? Especially in Southern contexts like mine, it’s pretty hard to just ignore it at Sunday worship. On the other hand, it’s not a religious holiday, and focusing on it can cause people a lot of pain.

Full disclosure: personally, I am lucky to have a good relationship with a mom who is still around. I don’t want kids right now, so not having them is not a source of grief for me.

But being a person is complicated. Shouldn’t we pray like it?

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession prayed at First Presbyterian Church; Oxford, MS, May 2018.  Continue reading “A Prayer for Mother’s Day”

A Bead Prayer for Holy Week

Continue reading “A Bead Prayer for Holy Week”

Examen Journal

A tool for daily reflection; Oxford, MS, February 2018.


The examen is a practice that invites us to notice God’s presence in our day. There are a lot of ways to ask the questions — where we felt most and least fulfilled, where we felt it easiest and hardest to give love, where we felt closest to and furthest from God…

I originally drew this mini journal to include in the Lenten Prayer to Go boxes I made for UKirk Ole Miss. But there aren’t specific dates on the pages, so it could be useful anytime.


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Prayer to Go: College Edition

If you’re in the business of (or generally interested in) church leadership, you might’ve seen floating around the interwebs the idea of take out boxes for faith. Sometimes they’re designed for liturgical seasons like Lent or Advent; other times they’re distributed for seasons like summer, when mayyyybe folks don’t get to church as often. The idea is that people can take the box home, and in it find supplies and instructions for practices to deepen their faith.

As I realized that I’d love to offer something like this to my college students, I also noticed that all the pre-made lists I’d found felt pretty specifically developed for families with kids. They either included activities obviously for children, or practices like baking bread that required time and tools many members of my college congregation don’t necessarily have. So after a lot of googling, some Facebook asking, Pinteresting, personal brainstorming, and a little doodling, we’ve arrived at this college-geared Prayer to Go. If this sounds up your alley, keep reading to find what I included in the boxes (all the goods for a daily practice and weekly ones), where I got the supplies, and a printable or three for good measure. Continue reading “Prayer to Go: College Edition”

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