
Girl & Glue Stick



Faith & Film

We’re big fans of a good movie night here in Campus Ministry Land. This past fall, UKirk Ole Miss hosted a Faith & Film series where we were a little more intentional about the movies we picked. In an effort to sow some seeds for the post-movie discussion, I whipped up this lil worksheet. Maybe it’ll be helpful with people you know, too!

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Listening Worksheet

Y’all, I really wanted to come up with a title for this post that was catchier and cooler than “Listening Worksheet”. . .buuut. . .that’s what it is.

At UKirk tonight, my students and I watched a TED talk as part of our discussion, and we used this worksheet to make some notes as we listened. You might use it to respond to all sorts of things!

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An Easter Swim

A coloring page commissioned by Telos @ Southminster Presbyterian Church; Oxford, MS, March 2018. 

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Examen Journal

A tool for daily reflection; Oxford, MS, February 2018.


The examen is a practice that invites us to notice God’s presence in our day. There are a lot of ways to ask the questions — where we felt most and least fulfilled, where we felt it easiest and hardest to give love, where we felt closest to and furthest from God…

I originally drew this mini journal to include in the Lenten Prayer to Go boxes I made for UKirk Ole Miss. But there aren’t specific dates on the pages, so it could be useful anytime.


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Write Your Own Psalm

Drawn for UKirk Ole Miss; Oxford, MS, August 2017.

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Jars for the Journey

Bulletin cover coloring page inspired by Isaiah 46:1-4 and 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, for my ordination service at Davidson College Presbyterian Church; Oxford, MS, March 2017.

Ordination bulletin cover{Paper and pen.}

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